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Friday, April 15, 2011

On Distance...

It's 5 Minute Friday...thank you Lisa-Jo. I love this.

So here we go...On Distance...

For me, distance is the kilometers and hours that must be travelled, spent, to get to home. Home...what an elusive concept. Of course, home is with my husband and our two children. But for me, home also includes those family members who live no where near me-and for whom my heart longs. My mother, grandmother, aunts, uncles, basically my extended family, all live a province away, in beloved Prairies where I was born and raised.

The distance between us is bridged by phone calls, and as many trips as we can afford, but it's never really enough. There is no substitute for your mother, when you need advice, or your grandmother, when you just really want some of her homemade crabapple jellie. There is no substitute for a card game that goes past midnight with all the women of the family, laughing so hard at jokes, and game play, always accompanied by copious amounts of coffee, and someone's baking.

My heart aches, breaks, tears, when I dwell on this distance too much. Would that I could take my little family and move us all back home!

Distance is foe that I have been unable to conquer-I prayerfully seek the strength to endure it!


  1. Thank you so much for that. I know exactly how you feel, I would give anything to have that distance shortened so I could spend times like that with my family. It is those times in the quiet hours that I remember with my family and look forward to when I return for a visit.


  2. Lovely. I know how you feel. How I miss being near my family as well. And how I miss it for my children... Bless you, friend.

  3. "My heart aches, breaks, tears, when I dwell on this distance too much." I feel this too this morning!

  4. I completely understand what you're saying. Such an honest and beautiful post.


  5. I too feel the same longing for my extended family. It's true no matter how often you visit, it's never enough. Great post.
